Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Funeral

I have spent the last few days in another state to attend the funeral of my sister. For all of her adult life, she suffered from the terrible disorder of schizophrenia. The last few years of her life were spent in a nursing home. Needless to say her disease affected our whole family.

In the face of a seemingly purposeless and terrible existence, it is hard not to question why, but I have to believe there must be a reason.........


  1. Now you too can be at peace to sort it out. God bless you and your family.

  2. I did wonder where you disappeared to. I am sorry for your loss. God bless you. XOXOXOX

    I think that sometimes sick or suffering people help well folks more than the other way around. Through sorrow and weakness, we also learn patience, longsuffering, kindness, love.

    I believe that life is precious, no matter the condition or age.

    I pray you'd know God's love and lovingkindness during this time, dear friend!


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