I spent time yesterday writing the "About Me" post in the sidebar and working on my template - also researching some blogs. I found a site called Blogging Basics 101 that promises to be helpful with my blogging and also this site, another interesting blog listing the ten top blogs in all kinds of subjects. I have spent some time - using instructions in Blogging Basics to insert an RSS feed. I have taken all of my "blogging time" with these things which has not left much time to post. I have to get up and start house cleaning as we are having a little company this weekend.
However, as I wrote about menus last, here is a photo of the Pinto Bean menu. This was dinner for Tuesday night. I ended up making just a quick tossed salad with what I could find in the frig as Tuesday nights are Little League Games right now and I did not have time to make the Columbia Salad.
Everything was good anyway. As far as I am concerned, you can't beat pinto beans with fresh chopped onions and cornbread. It's cheap, too!
I never use placemats. (I do use tablecloths when we have company) This place setting would look much better with a placemat - I keep thinking I am going to make some.