Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Day

I walked 3 laps around the mall this morning with my neighbor.
Went to my grandson's and granddaughter's basketball games.
Came home and worked for HOURS on this blog and as, can be seen, made very little progress - but I'm getting there - stumbling around all the way!  I requested Dummies Guide for Google Blogger (or something like that) from the library.  Hope they send it soon.
In between those things, I did a little housework and made dinner.
I'm ready for some TV and bed.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Leftover Valentine Cookies

I made Valentine cookies for my grandchildren.  These I had leftover and put them in my freezer.  Couldn't take it any longer, got them out of that freezer........and ate them all!  I have got to quit doing things like this.

Leftover Christmas Poinsettias

 My Poinsettias from Christmas are still looking good.  I am waiting for the cold weather to pass so that I can plant them outdoors

This blog is a practice blog.  I am not sure where I am going with it - probably it will be just a journal.